Our Mission

It all started when…

We bought a cute little VW Bus (two actually!) with dreams of remodeling it and traveling in it across the country. It was soon deemed “too small” for the adventure, and so sat stagnant in our driveway for years.

Fast forward to 2020 and the world is experiencing a pandemic. The outdoors becomes our only safe escape from our homes and biking experiences a resurgence. Bike shops can’t keep up. That’s were we come in.

Little Bus Bikes started as an aid to alleviate the demand at bike shops and help get more people outside biking. What was meant as a part-time gig has turned into a seasonal staple. It turns out people hate loading up there bikes and lugging them to the bike shop. Little Bus Bikes is here to stay! And we finally get to put that old VW Bus to good use!

Our mission is to help get more people biking! Whether it’s the bike that’s been hanging in your garage for years, a bike you inherited, the bike you bought 10 years ago, or the bike you bought yesterday… we want to get you up and rolling! We also support a cleaner and greener environment and what better way than with more biking!




BRian latulippe - bike TECH

Brian has a passion for biking that has taken him all over the world. He has biked in numerous states as well as around Lake Michigan, in Iceland, and from the North tip to South tip in New Zealand!

Trevor DeLandsheer - Bike tech

Trevor is a former U.P.er who can fix just about anything! He is an amazing bike tech and we are so lucky to have him on our team. He also loves mountain biking and gets out to ride as much as possible.


trina latulippe - customer service

Customer service. Graphic designer. Marketing manager. Book keeping. You name it, she probably does it… all but the actual bike servicing stuff. But she loves to ride bikes when she can find the time!